Bridge Program Open Houses February 21 & March 21
Learn more and ask questions at our Open House for our 2-day Bridge Program, now enrolling grades K-10 for the 2019-20 school year. This program provides a classical Christian education with two days of on-campus instruction plus lesson plans for three days of parent-led instruction at home. Bridge Program teachers are available for questions and help on home days and provide all grading and planning. We have a great little community going and are always seeking like-minded families to join us! Come find out if our program is a good fit for your family! OPEN HOUSES February 21 & March 21 6:30 – 7:30 pm 6100 N. Locust Grove Rd (main campus in the library) Questions? Call or text 208-789-7337 or email LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BRIDGE PROGRAM
Do you know about our Bridge Program option?
Now Enrolling Grades K-9th for the fall of 2018-2019 The Ambrose School Bridge Program provides a classical Christian education where students attend class two days a week and follow Bridge Program lesson plans at home the other three days. This program provides the same education as our 5-day program but at a substantially lower cost. It is also perfect for parents who want to be more closely involved in their student’s education or need the flexibility of a 2-day program. The Bridge Program helps families “The Bridge Program has been a huge blessing to our family! First and foremost my children love school, and that hasn’t always been the case. My younger children struggled with learning and things like reading & writing were very difficult for them. The teachers with the Bridge Program have changed that! They have helped my children develop skills that I was having a hard time teaching. I love being with my children, but I didn’t feel equipped to continue schooling them into the older years. The Bridge Program takes the pressure off of me as the sole teacher, and is a perfect match for our family.” – Kim Crenshaw, Bridge Program parent LEARN MORE Questions? Interested in applying? Please contact Melody Tracy, the Bridge Program Dean or learn more on the Bridge Program website.
Bridge Program off to a great start!
Our new 2-day Bridge Program kicked off a brand new school year this week with 58 students representing 32 families! The Bridge Program is an educational model where instruction is shared between a Bridge teacher on campus and parents at home. Students receive classroom experience coupled with the benefits of homeschooling. An on-campus Bridge Program teacher provides students with instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays while parents use our lesson plans to teach the other three days at home. Students completing the Bridge Program receive an Ambrose diploma. Interest continues to grow in the program, and we are anticipating rapid growth in the coming years. Currently meeting at Valley Life Christian Church, future plans include housing the program across the street on the Ambrose campus. Check us out on Facebook! If you haven’t already, please consider liking The Ambrose Bridge Program on Facebook. Learn more about our new option for Treasure Valley families that offers a classical Christian education two days on campus and three days at home with The Ambrose School curriculum. See our website: The Ambrose School Bridge Program