Modern educational methods tend to stay the same throughout a child’s K-12 years — memorize some information and simply reproduce it to pass a test. Classical education changes to match your child’s learning stage. In high school, students become concerned with what others think of them. This change in your child’s development is a golden opportunity to infuse wisdom and eloquence. During high school, your child will refine his ability to recognize ideas, form an argument, and communicate eloquently and convincingly. These skills culminate in the defense of a senior thesis.

The rhetoric stage is where your child will begin to see his abilities as a leader and will be given more opportunities to mentor younger students or apply to be House leader. If he enjoys sports, we provide ample opportunity to grow as part of a team. All students are given various classroom responsibilities. We help students mature during these years – as responsibilities increase, freedoms and privileges also increase. These opportunities to mature as a Christian will benefit your child throughout life as he navigates relationships at college, at work, and within his own family and church.
In high school, students are focused on learning, integrating, and communicating truth. This synthesis comes together in our Summa courses. Summa Theologica in 11th grade focuses on theological questions, while Summa Civitas in 12th grade focuses on principles of government. Students do several research projects involving both secondary and primary sources that integrate across multiple subjects. Students write a thesis paper and then defend it in front of a panel of faculty or community members. Not only do these courses help students make connections between subjects and solidify their logic and rhetoric skills, they also make them more prepared for college.


- The Republic
- The Iliad
- Democracy in America
- U.S. Constitution
- The Great Gatsby
- Frankenstein
- The Canterbury Tales
- The Brothers Karamazov
- The Stranger
- Have the opportunity to join choir, orchestra, drama, or art.
- Have the option of earning up to 33 college concurrent credits.
- Consider how historical events shape and are shaped by literature.
- Attend Brandt Foundation Lectures on the Boise State University campus.
- Have the opportunity to be a House leader and mentor younger students.
- Attend Protocol, a formal dinner and dance, every spring.
- Have the option to participate in volleyball, basketball, mountain biking, cross country, or golf.
- Write and defend a 20-page senior thesis.


When asked what their favorite experience was at Ambrose, the majority of students will say “the senior trip.” The Ambrose experience culminates in this trip where students finally get to see their studies come to life. It is in visiting Rome, Florence, Paris, and London that students are faced with the indisputable fact that the history of Western civilization and the gospel of the Christian faith are inextricably intertwined. At no time is that case made more convincingly than while walking through St. Peter’s Basilica, the Louvre, or the National Gallery. Students see the magnitude and the majesty of the life of Christ and His influence on the world made manifest in an incontrovertible way. Because we believe in the importance of this trip, the school contributes a portion of the cost and provides many fundraising opportunities to help students with their portion.