We would like to show honor and appreciation to all our school families’ pastors with a Pastor Appreciation Breakfast on October 24th starting at 8:00 am. All K-12 students were asked to write a note to their pastor, inviting them to join us for this special meal.

We are so thankful for the leadership and support that our pastors and their churches give to the students. We know that the “three-legged stool” of family, school, and church are what it takes to help a child succeed. If one of those legs is weak, the stool will topple.

The breakfast is not just for pastors of school families. If you are a pastor of a church in our community, and would like to learn more about our school and enjoy fellowship with other area pastors, we invite you to join us. Please RSVP to the school office by calling 323-3888 or emailing office@theambroseschool.org.