Shaping Student Culture Through A House Program

August 4-5, 2022

The Ambrose School
Meridian, Idaho


House systems have a distinctive capacity to shape the student culture within your school and to train students to be culture builders. Designing, implementing, managing, and improving a house system is challenging and raises many questions:

  • How does House fit within the overall vision and mission of our school?
  • What characterizes the student culture we want to form?
  • How much time in the school day should be devoted to House?
  • How can we foster faculty buy-in?

The Ambrose School House Seminar provides an overview of the purpose, structure, and day-to-day logistics of a House system. During the workshop portion of the seminar, attendees will incorporate what they have learned into a plan for their own school. This seminar is aimed toward schools who are launching a new house program, wanting to grow their existing program, or looking to reform or improve their current program.

socratic discussion

Summer 2022 Schedule

(Subject to change)

Day 1: Foundations of A House Program

Session 1:  Structure of House

Session 2:  Philosophy of House


Session 3:  Developing Student Leadership

Session 4:  Faculty Involvement in House


Day 2: Developing A House Program

Session 5:� Cultural Audit

Session 6:  Vision and Mission – Alignment and/or Creation


Session 7:  Program Development – The Essentials, Improvements/Changes, and Processes


The House Program Seminar is running concurrently with the Socratic Discussion Practicum, August 4-6, 2022 (the House Seminar is two days, August 4-5, 2022). Schools could consider sending two representatives to attend both events.

House Program Seminar Registration

$175 registration fee

Our registration fee includes two catered lunches and dinners. An essential part of our seminar is fellowshipping together during meals. The opportunities to learn from one another during these informal times are often just as important as the formal training of the seminar.

Lodging Information

The following hotels are within a short distance of The Ambrose School. There are also many affordable homes and apartments available for rent through Airbnb in the neighborhoods around the school.�

socratic discussion