For the second year in a row, our music program has received a generous grant from the Morrison Foundation to present our traditional Christmas concert featuring all K – 6 students along with the upper school choirs, orchestra and special groups at their famed venue, the Velma V. Morrison Performing Arts Center.
The program is known for its traditional sounds of Christmas from the middle ages through the early 20th century. Chimes, strings, timpani, children and youth voices create a beautiful evening of Christmas joy. This year’s theme is ‘The Hope of Christmas’ reflecting the hope that was born to all mankind on Christmas Day.
Special groups performing include the 4th – 6th grade hand chimes, Cantavi (4th – 6th honors choir), Gaudeo (9th – 12th honors choir), a solo flutist and a guest professional brass quintet. A full orchestra and all K – 6 students will also present.
The show will open with a big arrangement of “Joy to the World” for all singers, full orchestra, and Glory Brass, our guest professional brass quintet. The second piece, also featuring all combined musical resources, will be “Cradle Hymn,” a lovely new piece by Norwegian composer Kim André Arnesen. Linnea Johnson will perform a solo flute feature by Bach, the Largo e dolcefrom Sonata in B minor, BWV 1030. Hand Chimes will play “O Come, All Ye Faithful” and we will conclude with the massed ensemble performing “Hallelujah” from Handel’s Messiah.
Come celebrate the birth of our Savior on December 6th beginning at 7:00 pm. Invite family, neighbors, and friends to come enjoy this beautiful and stirring musical presentation featuring centuries of song performed by our students.
Ambrose families: Please contact the office for the Ambrose family discount code.