
Enrolling now for 2020-21
ENROLLING NOW FOR 2020-21 SIGN UP FOR A TOUR! Schedule an on-campus or live virtual tour with our Admissions Director HERE. WE HAVE OPENINGS IN ALL GRADES! Each year, we seek families who share our vision to join our community. For new families:January 1 through April 15:Priority Enrollment for new students who will attend during the next school year. Considerations for new family acceptance: Family support. A family faith that aligns with our statement of faith. A student’s test results. For older students, their contribution to our school community. None of these are “litmus tests.” Rather, we consider all factors when admitting a new student. After April 15th: Open Enrollment Any student application received after April 15th is considered for admission in any remaining openings. See our Admissions pages for more details, or contact our Admissions Director at or call (208) 323-3888. If you are interested in a 2-day hybrid program, please consider our Bridge Program option.

Join us for the Repairing the Ruins Telecast June 18-19
Due to travel restrictions this summer, the Association of Classical Christian School’s Annual Conference has become a virtual conference for teachers, administrators AND parents to join for no cost! Why is this important? Classical Christian education is not just happening here at Ambrose, but it is a movement growing nationally and throughout the world. The importance of students being trained up as godly, compassionate and critical thinkers is so important in today’s culture. Come and fellowship with other parents and be encouraged by some of the nation’s most respected speakers on cCe. THURSDAY: Hear from George Grant, Rosaria Butterfield, and Joel Beeke. FRIDAY: Hear from Al Mohler and Louis Markos. Pick from one of the two evenings or come to both! Childcare available from the Junior Class Cost is $5 per child. Check-in will be in the main foyer. If you are attending and would like to utilize childcare, please email Join our school community for Repairing the Ruins Telecast LIVE June 18th and 19th Doors open at 4:45 pmSimulcast 5:00-7:00 pmThe Ambrose School Auxiliary Gym Classical Christian educators gather from around the world for Repairing the Ruins. Each year, schools comment they wish their parents could hear this! This year, everyone can. Featured: Interviews, panels, short videos, guests, and speakers from four live sites in a simulcast format designed for audiences to enjoy together. This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about classical Christian education. If you would like to attend please RSVP to See all speakers and workshops

“Ambrose at Home” to begin Monday, March 30th
“Ambrose at Home” to Begin Monday, March 30th Dear Ambrose Community, As you read this message, most of you likely find yourselves in a situation you did not expect to be in as recently as a week ago. Our prayer is that, even in this uncertain time, you are able to find joy, peace, and a greater love and appreciation for Christ and all of the gifts that our God has given us. We also pray that God will keep our hearts and spirits open to ways we can best love our neighbors. One thing we are grateful to report is that, as of this writing, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the Ambrose community. That said, we recognize that in an extended community that includes a variety of family situations, individual experiences, professions, and needs, the impact of the virus and the resulting aftershocks are being seen in different ways. With each passing day, there is new information available, new guidance being suggested, and additional precautions taken. Please be assured that we are engaged in regular (albeit remote) communications on these issues, and are prayerfully considering the available information as an administrative team. We will continue to provide you with periodic updates (like this one) as necessary. We previously announced the suspension of onsite classes through Friday, March 27th. In light of recent developments, including the City of Meridian’s decision regarding the gathering of large groups, we are extending our suspension of onsite classes to Monday, April 20th. This date will be subject to change as new information becomes available. In the meantime, we will move forward with remote classes beginning Monday, March 30th. Over the past 10 days, our staff and faculty have been making arrangements for online instruction through the Google Classroom platform. This has included developing new student e-mail accounts and passwords for Google Classroom, setting up individual class pages, and attending group training sessions to provide for remote instruction. (Please see our note on technology use at the end of this communication.) Transitioning to remote learning is a big adjustment for everyone–teachers, parents, and students. You probably have many questions about what schooling at home will look like. We will try to answer as many of those questions as we can throughout this week, and welcome your continued feedback. As we transition to remote learning, we are focusing on core classes and assignments as students and parents get used to doing school at home and to using Google Classrooms. This is part of our effort to provide as much flexibility as possible for different situations at home–multiple children, both parents working, etc. Assignments in elective courses will be optional at this time. In Google Classroom, students and parents will be able to see all assignments for a whole week starting the Friday before the week begins. Students can then complete those assignments at times and on days that make the most sense for you as a family. For grammar school students, most assignments for the entire week will be collected on Friday, April 3, by scanning completed worksheets and assignments and uploading them to Google Classroom. Upper school students will have some assignments due on various days, with clear instructions in Google Classroom regarding when and how to submit those assignments. If possible, we recommend you develop a new routine at home for doing school. What this routine looks like will vary from family to family. We recommend: Designating a place in the home to do school work–the kitchen table, the office, etc. Keep your books, papers, pencils, etc. in that spot. Set a daily time you begin school and stick to it. Ideally, this time will be first thing in the morning. For parents juggling working from home, etc., this of course may have to vary day by day. Tackle the subject most difficult for your child first. Note that many students, starting around 4th or 5th grade and up, should be able to complete many if not all of their assignments independently. We are hopeful that, by God’s grace and provision, we can return to the physical classroom in a matter of weeks, but we are also preparing for the possibility that online instruction may continue for the rest of the school year. With that in mind, here is the current schedule for the coming weeks: Friday, March 27: Access to Google Classrooms sent to families Monday, March 30: Commencement of online instruction Monday, April 20: Tentative resumption of onsite classes (subject to review) We are aware that classroom instruction is only one component of what makes the Ambrose community a special one. As we move forward and gain more information, we will make decisions about the status of other events and activities in the life of the school (e.g., Spring Music and Arts Festival, Grandparents Day, MonCon, athletics, choir and orchestra, etc.). Please join us in praying for God’s wisdom and provision in making those decisions. As a last note, please read and consider these words of encouragement that have been shared by and with a number of us in these uncertain times in recent weeks: “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength–carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie ten Boom “Our earthly comforts would be doubly sweet, if we could but venture them without anxiety in the Lords’ hands. And where can we lodge them so safely? Is not the first gift, the continuance, the blessing which makes them pleasing, all from him? Was not his design in all this, that we should be happy in them? How then can we fear that he will threaten them, much less take them away, but with a view to our farther benefit? Let us suppose the thing we are most afraid of actually to happen. Can it come a moment sooner, or in any other way, than by his appointment? Is he not gracious and faithful to

We are sorry we have had to cancel Storytime on our campus for the foreseeable future. We will update here and on Facebook when we are able to resume. In the meantime, we hope to bring Storytime to Facebook Live or recorded so you can still enjoy a great story! Stay tuned. We are so excited to share a fun story hour with families in our community! Approximately twice a month (see schedule below) children four and under (accompanied by a parent or caregiver) are invited to join us in our library for a fun-filled adventure with books! There are so many interesting, exciting, and surprising things to explore through story. There are numbers, colors, mishaps, adventures, and beautiful God-given truths all found in stories. Of course along the way we will also have time to play games, be creative, and use our imaginations! January 9 January 23 February 6 February 20 March 5 March 19 CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Storytime begins at 10:00 am in our library on the dates shown above. Storytime is open to any family who loves a good story! Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Find us at 6100 N. Locust Grove Rd, Meridian, ID 83646. SEE YOU SOON! FACEBOOK EVENT LINK
Storytime CANCELLED until further notice
Storytime is cancelled until further notice. We will miss seeing you but keep on reading and loving the adventures found in books! We are so excited to share a fun story hour with families in our community! Approximately twice a month (see schedule below) children four and under (accompanied by a parent or caregiver) are invited to join us in our library for a fun-filled adventure with books! There are so many interesting, exciting, and surprising things to explore through story. There are numbers, colors, mishaps, adventures, and beautiful God-given truths all found in stories. Of course along the way we will also have time to play games, be creative, and use our imaginations! January 9 January 23 February 6 February 20 March 5 March 19 April 2 April 16 April 30 May 7 Storytime begins at 10:00 am in our library on the dates shown above. Storytime is open to any family who loves a good story! Children four and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Find us at 6100 N. Locust Grove Rd, Meridian, ID 83646. SEE YOU SOON! FACEBOOK EVENT LINK
Keith McCurdy Parent Education Retreat February 22nd
Raising Sturdy Kids: A 1-Day Parenting Retreat presented by Keith McCurdy February 22, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Break at Noon for lunch) FREE For all K – 12 Ambrose parents The 1-day retreat will help parents focus on the basics of healthy parenting. Couples and single parents will learn how to approach parenting from the paradigm that most children are “normal” and in need of a common foundation of direction and training. During the 1-day retreat you will receive six hours of interactive group consultation and training (No worries: No role-play or power-point presentations). Topics covered The difference between “normal” and “abnormal” childhood The correct role of emotions Understanding “emotional disordering” Learning how to allow your child/children to struggle in healthy ways Appropriate burdens, responsibilities, and limits for children Answering “What is the goal of parenting?” What does it really mean to “impress” Truth (Deut 6:7) and “train up” (Pr 22:6) a child? For parents in need of childcare, please call the office (208) 323-3888 for the list of high school students available to babysit that day.
Serve with Compassion Day February 14th
This year we are having a Serve with Compassion Day on February 14th! We will bless our troops serving overseas by having students make cards and put together a care package for them. Our goal is to make 1,000 care packages! Do you know a service member serving abroad? We would love to send them one! Send us their name and address and we will put them on the list (first 1,000 names accepted). Email their info to Also, if you’d like to donate toward the supplies and shipping, you can do so through our “coin drive” link… ONLINE COIN DRIVE – DONATE HERE Thank you!
K-6 OPEN HOUSE January 21 @ 6:00 pm
Would a classical Christian school be a good fit for your family? Come find out more at our Open House! You will get a tour of the school, meet students and teachers, and have an opportunity to get your questions answered. We would love to meet you! Tuesday, January 21, 2020 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 6100 N. Locust Grove Rd. Meridian, ID 83646 Call (208) 323-3888 if you have any questions.
Enrolling now for 2020-21!
Apply early! Each year, we seek families who share our vision to join our community. For new families: January 1 through April 15: Priority Enrollment for new students who will attend during the next school year. New families are encouraged to enroll during this time period in order to get the best chance for acceptance. Considerations for new family acceptance: Family support. A family faith that aligns with our statement of faith. An understanding of classical Christian education. A student’s test results. For older students, their contribution to our school community. None of these are “litmus tests.” Rather, we consider all factors when admitting a new student. We encourage you to attend our Open House on January 21st at 6:00 pm to receive a tour and get your questions answered. If you are a current Ambrose family desiring to enroll another child, please submit a New Student Application For Admission by February 28th in order to receive priority placement. After April 15th: Open Enrollment Any student application received after April 15th is considered, subject to our acceptance criteria, for admission in any remaining openings. See our Admissions pages for more details, or contact our Admissions Director at or call (208)323-3888. You may also ask for more information or begin your application by clicking on a button below. If you are interested in a 2-day program, please consider our Bridge Program option. [blox_button text=”INQUIRE NOW” link=”” target=”_self” style=”metro” border=”bordered” color=”#003366″ icon=”” size=”large” align=”center” /] [blox_button text=”APPLY NOW” link=”″ target=”_self” style=”metro” border=”bordered” color=”#003366″ icon=”” size=”large” align=”center” /]
Christmas Break dates for 5-day & Bridge Program
Christmas Break for 5-day will be from December 23 – January 3. Classes resume January 6. Christmas Break for Bridge Program will be from December 19 – January 3. Classes resume January 6. 6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:6-7 MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Lessons & Carols Exordium on December 11th
As the final exordium of the year, it is the last time for us to gather together as one community before the break. This exordium will be unlike any of our others, which have a mostly inward focus. It is focused squarely on the gospel: the fall of man, the prophesies, and the incarnation as told through scriptural readings (lessons) and carols (hymns). We hope you will join us for this very special and contemplative time of humble worship of our Redeemer. Please join us Wednesday, December 11th at 8:00 am for a combined (upper & grammar school) Exordium of Lessons and Carols. The Ambrose School’s Exordium of Lessons and Carols is adapted from a traditional Christian worship service celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is the story of the fall of man, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus told through a series of Bible readings and song. The original service, called The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols dates back to 1880 when the Bishop of Truro, Edward Benson, formalized a service of nine readings from Genesis, the books of the Prophets, and the Gospels along with accompanying hymns. Benson would later become the Archbishop of Canterbury. Since that time, the original liturgy has been adapted for use by many churches of various denominations worldwide. The longest running and most popularly known version has been held at King’s College, Cambridge, UK, since Christmas Eve, 1918. The King’s College Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols has been broadcast annually by the BBC since 1928, except for a brief hiatus during the 1930’s.
It’s All Greek to Me: What’s the Deal with Classical Languages?
Why should students learn a classical language like Greek? Why not something more useful like Spanish? Mr. Warmouth interviews 10th grade Humanities teacher, Nick Duncan, on how knowing classical languages impacts our walk with Christ.