Mr. Jared Moore
Upper School Humanities
B.A. History, College of Idaho; M.A. Teaching, College of Idaho; Idaho secondary teaching certification.
My teaching experience includes one-year teaching social studies in rural Idaho. After learning about Ambrose in 2021, I began to read and learn everything I could about classical Christian education. Everything about it was so different from the progressive education I was trained in. To find that it was possible to serve Christ and His Kingdom, not despite but in harmony with academic excellence and rigor, was a paradigm shift for me. I believe schools like Ambrose provide a place for curiosity to find, through discipline and struggle, its satisfaction in the God who is there at all times.
I was born and raised in Caldwell, Idaho, and have been serving in the church where myself and my family first became Christians on Easter 15 years ago. For five years, I have served as a youth pastor. I enjoy pickleball, talking about and watching football with friends, and trying new things I’ve never done before.
Church Affiliation: Calvary Chapel Caldwell

Ms. Lisa Partridge
Upper School Humanities
House Governess
B.A. English Teaching, Boise State University; Idaho secondary teaching credential. I am pursuing a M.St. in Classical Christian Studies through New Saint Andrews College. My teaching experience includes six years overseas at a mission school in Kiev, Ukraine, and three years at a rural Christian school in Idaho.
I am convinced that classical Christian education is currently the best form of education available. Classical Christian education is Christ-centered, which means everything done in school, from studies to sports to interactions with others, is rightly placed in submission to Christ. Education is about shaping our loves, and schools like Ambrose are training grounds for learning how to love the Lord our God and live in community with one another. Students are equipped to live as children of God—to be sweetness and light amidst brokenness and corruption—by developing clear thinking, becoming rooted in wisdom, and understanding the world through a biblical lens.
I have lived in Idaho since I was a little girl, and I enjoy a number of activities including lifting, hiking, gardening, reading, learning, and (oddly enough) cleaning and organizing just about anything.
Church Affiliation: Ustick Baptist Church

Dr. Matthew Stewart
Upper School Humanities
Ph.D., History, Syracuse University; M.A., American Studies, University of Wyoming; B.A., History, Geneva College. In addition to teaching assistant appointments during my graduate work, I taught for four years at Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, Virginia and for a year at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.
In my most recent encounter with Augustine’s Confessions, the introductory material informed me that Augustine’s library was almost burned down around 430 AD. I was struck by what could have been otherwise: this book that has served the Christian Church for centuries might not have outlived Augustine. One fire would not destroy The Confessions now, but it is not guaranteed that it will be read meaningfully by us or future generations without schools like Ambrose. I’m grateful for the opportunity to teach at a school that values the life of prayer, intellectual engagement, and worship embodied so well by Augustine in The Confessions. The practices of close reading, Socratic discussion, and thoughtful writing cultivated at Ambrose can help Christians better “care for words in a culture of lies,” in the words of Marilyn Chandler McEntyre. Christians—followers of the Word made flesh—bear witness to Christ when they take care with their words, and Ambrose is a place where I have seen that happen.
I grew up in Maryland and am married to Katie, who grew up in Boise. We were both happy to move to the Treasure Valley in August 2018. Two of our children, Donovan and Lucy, attend the Bridge Program at Ambrose. Robert, our youngest, is still a toddler. I enjoy the idea of playing sports or getting immersed in projects involving fine wood and have done so on occasion. More commonly, I enjoy walks with Katie, chasing my kids around in the backyard, and good conversation with friends.
Church Affiliation: Nampa United Reformed Church

Mr. Nick Duncan
Upper School Humanities
2012- BBA in Entrepreneurship Management from Boise State University, 2016- Masters of Divinity in Global Studies from Liberty University School of Divinity.
A major focus of study for me was how the New Testament authors, specifically Paul, were partially influenced by Greco-Roman philosophers, literature, and rhetoric. As such, I was able to study the ancient Greek and Roman philosophers and literature that we cover in 10th Grade at Ambrose from a biblical perspective. This works well for 10th Grade Humanities as the main question we focus on for the year is “How did God prepare the world for the coming of the Christ?” We answer that question in every Greco-Roman work we cover.
I taught at the College of Western Idaho for four years and for the school year 2017-2018 I taught Greek 1 at the Ambrose School and I currently teach 10th Grade Humanities.
I have chosen to teach at the Ambrose School because I honestly believe it offers the best education in the Treasure Valley. I am so convinced of that truth, that I enrolled my children before I ever taught here; I was a father at Ambrose before I ever became a teacher. After seeing the quality of teachers, administration, and the constant pursuit of teaching Christ in all aspects of my children’s education, I knew that the Ambrose School was home for me and my family.
I’m happily married to my wife Jorie, and have two children: Grady and Ainsley.
Church affiliation: Elder at Valley Life Community Church

Dr. Rob Elisher
Upper School Humanities
B.A.s, Philosophy and Business Administration, Azusa Pacific University; M.A., Philosophy, Baylor University; Ph.D. in philosophy.
Ambrose gives me the chance to do what I love—namely, teaching and learning about the deep truths of God, his world, and human existence, and doing so alongside other passion-filled people. It became clear to me early on in my time at Ambrose that there is no shortage of good people here to learn from and grow with. That includes the students I serve, as well as all the many deceased ladies and gentlemen whose books we’ll read together! 11th grade is a pivotal year for most students, and I have the privilege of walking with and supporting them as they enter more deeply into their identities in Christ.
My passion for worshiping with my mind was sparked while reading lots of philosophy and theology as an undergraduate at Azusa Pacific, and this carried over into my graduate studies. I found a sort of middle ground between theology and philosophy at Baylor in my study of Kierkegaard. My dissertation is on his conception of neighbor-love and what this might teach us about the proper role of partiality in the moral life.
My wife Megan and I met studying abroad in Oxford, UK. So, naturally, traveling has always been dear to us. We love getting acquainted with new places by getting acquainted with their food! We love the outdoors as well—at least in theory—and hope that all of the opportunities that the state of ID offers us have the effect of making us less “indoorsy.” Hiking, snowboarding, and snowshoeing seasons are all on the horizon! Currently, though, my favorite pastime is playing with our beautiful little toddler, Zoe, who is already way too smart and articulate for her own good.
Church Affiliation: Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Dr. Bill Miller
Upper School Humanities
Raised in central Arizona, I received an engineering degree from Brown University. I served as a campus minister with CRU for seven years at the University of Arizona, Stanford University, and Osh State (Kyrgyzstan). I completed a M.A. in Politics and Ph.D. at the University of Dallas’ great books program. After grad school, our family lived in the Czech Republic for 8 years where I was a lecturer at two different universities. Returning to the US, I taught at a Christian great books program in Minneapolis. Then, I worked with several start-up companies managing educational content development projects, until joining Ambrose in 2019.
In graduate school I experienced meaningful conversations with the great thinkers of Western civilization, fellow students, professors and the Truth of the Scriptures. My view of reality expanded; I was humbled and challenged to communicate with clarity, kindness and grace; and I received wisdom. The skills, knowledge and wisdom came with responsibility and implications for every area of my life—from how I parent to how I manage work projects to how I serve in the church. I long to see God impart that kind of education to other young men and women. I pray He’ll use me as a vessel to that end.
Lisa and I have been married 25 years and have two sons: Caleb and Joshua. I enjoy watching and discussing movies, traveling, hiking, working out, and watching football (NFL and EPL). My lesser loves include cooking and sharing good food and drink with others, including coffee and ice cream.

Mr. Tom Velasco
Upper School Humanities
B.A., History and Philosophy, minor in Latin, Boise State University. I have been teaching at The Ambrose School since 2000, including a five-year hiatus as associate pastor of a local church.
I have taught Humanities, Latin, Greek, Logic, Rhetoric, Pre-Algebra, History, and writing. Currently, I teach 12th grade Humanities as well as Summa Civitas and 8th grade Logic.
Dorothy Sayers’ essay, “The Lost Tools of Learning,” sparked my interest in classical Christian education, and as a philosophy major, I valued the Socratic model of instruction for the importance of thinking analytically and critically over the mere imbibing of information. I also believe that education necessarily implies an “immersion” if you will. I cannot compartmentalize my life and think of myself as a teacher only when in the classroom. Every moment I have with these kids is an opportunity to teach, or inspire, or provoke to good deeds. Deuteronomy 6:6-10 lays out for parents their responsibility as teachers of their children. This same responsibility is laid upon me as well, since I have been entrusted to aid them in this task. We must speak to them while sitting, while standing, while walking on the road. In short, we must look to every moment as an opportunity to teach them about the Lord and the good things He has done. I cannot think of teaching as a 9-5 job that I can escape from. I must immerse myself in it.
I am from southern Oregon, but have lived in Boise for 20 years now. My mother and brother both followed me out here and now live in Nampa. I enjoy just about everything, from movies, to backpacking in the Sawtooths, to playing football.
Church Affiliation: Calvary Chapel, Boise

Mr. Tyler Smith
Upper School Latin
B.A., History, MA in Teaching History, California State University East Bay
I have been involved in almost every facet of education for the past twelve years. I have taught elementary through high school and have experience working as an administrator. I have had the privilege of teaching many students, each interaction deepening my commitment to fostering a positive and Christ-centered learning environment. I am extremely excited to be joining The Ambrose School community and finally having an opportunity to teach in a classical Christian school.
My introduction to classical Christian education was through Douglas Wilson’s Rediscovering the Lost Tools of Learning. I grew so excited about classical education that I quickly consumed books from Wilson, Sayers, and Gregory. They have heavily influenced my teaching style and have encouraged a love of the Great Books and the Latin language. I hope to encourage my students to feel the same and to understand the world in the light of our Lord.
I am married to Jamie, and we have four children: Abigail, Henry, Elijah, and Emma. We love spending time with friends and family, playing games, and enjoying good food. One of my favorite things is reading a good book, usually on theology or fantasy.
Church Affiliation: Christ Reformed Church

Ms. Emily Littlejohn
Upper School Latin
I have experienced the gift of classical education firsthand and am blessed to be able to share it with my students. During my K-12 years, I was educated at home and at a classical Christian school, where I was first introduced to Latin. I then attended college at New Saint Andrews, where I loved diving into the works of Virgil, Phaedrus, Apuleius, St. Jerome, and more. For the past two years, I have had the opportunity to share my love for the language at a classical Christian school in Oahu, but I’m an Idahoan at heart and missed the pine trees and the winters. I am excited to be returning to the Northwest and joining the Ambrose community!
In my free time, I enjoy hiking, skiing, and spending time with my family and friends.

Mrs. cheryl gammon
Upper School rhetoric
M.A. English, rhetorical pedagogy, Fort Hays University, and B.S. English, Speech/Debate, Theatre, secondary teaching credential, Southwest Baptist University. Continuing Education, Mst Classical Christian Studies, New Saint Andrews.
Students, most believing themselves great conversationalists if adept at social media interaction, are surprised to learn that over twenty-five centuries of a Great Conversation, precedes them. Mastering the rhetorical arts means students learn that eloquence serves wisdom, but that both help them identify great conversation and converse well themselves. Flannery O’Connor asks us to consider Henry James’ early twentieth century prediction “that the young woman of the future, though she be taken out for airings in a flying machine, will know nothing of mystery or manners. The mystery he was talking about is the mystery of our position on earth, and the manners are those conventions which, in the hands of the artist, reveal that central mystery.” It’s a privilege to put your students in conversation with these artists, helping them navigate, understand, and contribute to the relationship between the world of ideas and the world of practical affairs.
My husband, Chris, and I have three sons who have all attended The Ambrose School. We’ve lived in the Treasure Valley for over twenty years and enjoy all sorts of Idaho outdoor adventures together.
Church Affiliation: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Mr. Ken Hosier
Upper School Science
Science Department Chair
B.S., Biology, minors in Chemistry and Zoology, University of Idaho; M.A., Teaching, George Fox University. I began teaching at The Ambrose School in the fall of 2005. I have taught a variety of science and math courses over the course of 13+ years. I have also served as Athletic Director (2 years), coached Boy’s Varsity basketball (11 years), and Girls Varsity volleyball (2 years). Prior to my teaching career I worked for 5 years as an organic chemist.
Sir Isaac Newton said, “I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” I choose to work at a classical Christian school because I want to help students develop the same sort of reverence about the world around them and to develop rightly ordered affections in regards to creation (wonder and worship).
My philosophy of teaching is that students are unique individuals who will learn in a variety of ways. Our goals as teachers should be to create lifelong learners who pursue the truth of Christ with the same vigor and passion we show towards the subject matter we teach. I am dedicated to teaching students how to think logically and actually apply their knowledge rather than just simply regurgitate facts. Using the tenets of classical education blended with modern laboratory practices and methodologies, I strive to develop science proficiency and a love of the subject. I want to strike the right balance between rigor and support, encouraging students to buck hedonistic tendencies and be resilient when faced with challenges.
I married my beautiful wife, Jen, in the year 2000. I have two children – Kaelyn and Evan who are currently enrolled at The Ambrose School. I love living in the Treasure Valley because it serves as a gateway to the great outdoors.
Church Affiliation: Elder, Riverside Community Church

Mrs. Teresa Pauls
Upper School Math
Math Department Chair
B.S.E. Mathematics, Truman State University; M.A. Education, Lindenwood University
I have taught all levels of math from 7th grade up through AP BC calculus. My 20 years of experience have been in the public schools in Missouri, Hailey, Idaho, and in the Boise School District.
I chose to come to Ambrose because of the decline in academic standards and rigor in mathematics education and lack of morals in the public schools. Our boys have attended this school and have developed into critical thinkers and solid believers in their faith in Christ. I desire to be a part of a community that develops these attributes in the classical Christian environment. My calling is to develop a strong math curriculum that builds confidence and conceptual understanding in mathematics.
I am married to Timothy Pauls, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We have two boys – Nathan, who is a graduate of West Point Military Academy and Noah, who is currently a student at MIT.
Church Affiliation: Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod

Mr. Rick Strader
Drama & Media
I started on the stage at the age of seven playing Pooh Bear in Winnie the Pooh in a children’s theatre production. From there I performed on stage at the Springer Opera House in Columbus, GA in over 45 musical productions (mostly as a chorus member and small roles). At 16 I went to audition for summer stock in NY on a dare and found myself being contracted for the next seven years and into my college years as a professional actor. I went on to travel across the US in national touring productions. I have performed as Snoopy, King Arthur, Mordred, Artful Dodger, Oliver, Dauntless, Peter Pan, MC (Cabaret), Puck, Hamlet, Joseph, John the Baptist, Job, Tom Sawyer and 10 characters in a show called Greater Tuna to name a few.
I have been a director of over 120 plays and musicals over the years, as well as in roles as production mgr., stage mgr., tech. director, set designer and lighting and sound design. I have been in front of and behind the TV and Movie camera as well. Locally I have worked with Idaho Shakespeare, Opera Idaho and Ballet Idaho along with directing productions for over 15 years at Northwest Nazarene University.
My media and film experience has spanned the years with parts in the acclaimed TV series North & South along with other performances for the likes of PBS and local advertisements in various cities. I have been on the production side or on screen in films shot in Columbus, GA (Green Berets), Fort Worth, TX (Logan’s Run), and Montgomery, AL (Norma Rae).
I met my wife Melissa when I was stage manager for Ballet Idaho. We have been married for 23 years and have a son Nickolas attending the University of Idaho.
Church Affiliation: Heritage Bible Church

Mrs. Carol Thompson
Upper School Math
B.B.A., The University of Texas at Austin. I have taught at various schools across the country and in England during my husband’s Air Force career.
Over my years of teaching and homeschooling my children, I have become more and more convinced of the value of a classical Christian education. This approach to education teaches our children to desire knowledge, to love knowledge, to develop critical thinking skills, and not to have the laziness of the mind that is prevalent in our culture today. Sharpening their minds will set them on the course so that they can reach the ultimate goal, recognizing truth and knowing and loving Christ.
My goal for my math classes in this classical Christian model is to help the students develop and deepen their understanding of math concepts, and to appreciate the beauty of the systems designed by God. When students see math in this light, as opposed to a just a set of processes to be applied, they can begin to imagine how the philosophers/mathematicians throughout history discovered truth, reason, and beauty in mathematics. They may even begin to discover it for themselves.
After much moving around and living the military lifestyle, our family has made Idaho our permanent home. Our children, Casey and Dylan, both graduated from The Ambrose School. We enjoy the standard Idaho activities: hiking, skiing, camping and such. After living many places, I really appreciate the beauty of the area and, most of all, I’m thankful for the blessing of this school.
Church Affiliation: Foothills Christian Church

Mr. Michael Spence
Upper School Science
B.S., Biological Sciences, The Master’s College; Secondary Teaching Credential in Biology and Foundational Mathematics, Simpson University.
When I went to college, I intended to study pre-med in the hopes of being a sports therapist. But in God’s providence, a summer missions trip to Great Britain and Ireland following my junior year changed my focus to education. Working with local pastors to help them get access to local schools gave me a love for working with young people in both academics and athletics. I could use my biology degree to teach and disciple young people.
After college, I lived in Salem, OR, for a year and married my bride, Betsy, an accomplished pianist and cook! I then took a teaching position at a Christian school in Chico, CA, and then helped start Providence Christian School, where I taught Bible, mathematics, and science for over 20 years. I also coached the track and cross-country teams, which allowed me to disciple young people through sports. In 2010, I returned to school to earn a secondary teaching credential in Biology and Foundational Mathematics.
I am interested in many areas of learning, and I love to share those things with my students. God has so constructed man to know Him and His works that we might glorify Him in and with all things. God’s word and world provide ample material for a lifetime of learning! Psalm 111:2-3 “Great are the works of the LORD; they are studied by all who delight in them. Splendid and majestic is His work, and His righteousness endures forever.” I love to see how ideas have developed and how “everything is connected to everything else” in God’s world.
I am an avid reader- of theology, fiction, mathematics, science, and history. Though I did not attend a classical school,I have sought to educate myself by reading many of The Great Books.
My hobbies include Rubik’s cubes, reading good books while drinking a nice cup of tea, spotting hexagons, exercising, gardening, bird watching and wildflower hunting, supporting Liverpool Football Club, and hanging out with my girls. My wife and I have been married for 24 years; our girls are 19 (Bethan- attending the University of Idaho), 16 (Meridel), and 14 (Kellyn). For the past 4 years, I have served as an elder at Orland Evangelical Free Church in Northern California, preaching, teaching Sunday school, and organizing Lord’s Day worship services.

Mrs. Julia Kapsoff
Devoveo, Gaudeo, Junior High Strings
MM, Music Education, Boston University; BMUS, Voice Performance, University of British Columbia
I began teaching music at The Ambrose School in 2013 but my musical journey began at age three through violin lessons. Over the past 20 years, I have taught violin, voice, and piano privately, and have been involved with church music in various capacities. Before joining The Ambrose School faculty, I developed curriculum and taught Music Education, Physical Education and Computer Technology in a Christian school setting. Since arriving at Ambrose, I have immensely enjoyed the wide and varied role of teaching in both the grammar and high schools.
I value education that encourages one’s best effort, that demonstrates how to think critically and debate, which embraces challenge, which pursues possibilities that lie beyond what is readily apparent, and that searches for God’s fingerprint in all places. Although I am still discovering how deeply music fits within the classical Christian view, I believe that a classical Christian education provides the best framework to pursue life-long learning goals as well as spiritual growth and stability in a secular environment.
I moved to Idaho in 2007 with my husband, Dan, and two children, Sasha and Devon. Both attend The Ambrose School. We love to travel, and I enjoy sports, especially hockey.

Mrs. Jessica Custer
French I & II
I received my degree from Seattle Pacific University in European Studies specializing in French and I spent my junior year studying at the Université de Pau in southern France. After graduating from SPU I was asked to start the French program at Cole Valley Christian. I quickly learned the Lord had me exactly where I needed to be as I discovered my passion for teaching and sharing with my students the beauty God created in French cultures around the world.
After teaching at Cole Valley Christian for six years, my husband was offered a job in Singapore. We lived in Singapore for five years where both of our children were born and then moved to the Netherlands for two years. While living in the Netherlands we were introduced to The Ambrose School. We researched all the schools in the valley and knew immediately that an education from The Ambrose School would be able to compete with the high levels of education we were seeing and experiencing around the world. I knew we made the right decision to put our kids here when I stepped into my French class for the first time and met my students. It is because of them that I love my job and continue teaching!
I’ve been teaching part-time at Ambrose since 2014 and in my free time, I’m usually skiing or mountain biking with my family or hiking with my dog.

Mrs. Dori McCormick
Upper School Science
I grew up in the upper peninsula of Michigan and received my Bachelor’s degree in integrated science and mathematics for secondary education from Central Michigan University. I started my teaching career in Idaho Falls, ID and continued my education at Montana State University receiving a masters degree in science education. My husband Clay and I moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and I continued to teach, for a total of 7.5 years, until we joined staff with Back2Back ministries.
Through this orphan care ministry we moved to Jos, Nigeria and served five years. During that time our family grew and we have two daughters, Tess, 3, and Hope, 1. We bought an old sheep farm in Boise to live close to my husband’s family and transition back to the United States of America. I am excited to continue my teaching career at the Ambrose School and put down roots in the area and with this amazing community. I will be teaching upper school science, specifically chemistry, conceptual physics and physical science.
I am passionate about Jesus, science and education. I love to cook/bake, play with my girls and garden. Our appreciation for nature and all the beauty Idaho has to offer has only grown while living overseas. We hope to spend as much time outside as possible, at the same time trying to mentally prepare for our first full winter in over five years.

Mrs. Jennifer barth
Yearbook instructor
graphic design instructor
B.A., Design Studies, Arizona State University; MBA, Boise State University; M.P.M., Penn State University
I was introduced to Ambrose and classical Christian education through family members many years ago. Except for a few truly wonderful AP teachers in high school, much of my public school education could be distilled as memorizing and regurgitating. When I learned that there was a more thoughtful and Christ-centered way to educate children, I was eager to learn more and later to enroll my son. He has been attending for five years, and we are so grateful for the Ambrose community of families and educators.
Before working at Ambrose, I spent 11 years with a local software company as a manager of people and projects. I am excited to bring this experience to the yearbook class. Outside of teaching, my husband and I have been blessed with a small acreage and are working hard in our free time to establish a functioning micro-farm.
Church Affiliation: Holy Trinity Anglican

Mr. Tristan McGrath
Upper School Math
Greek I & II
M.A., Theological Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; B.S., Mathematics, University of Utah
A prominent theme in his life and writings, John Calvin often emphasized, “The world was no doubt made, that it might be a theatre of the divine glory.” My passion for education comes from a desire to see this vision enacted within the classroom. That is, my central aim is to equip students to see and savor—and to equip others to see and savor—Jesus Christ in all their learning. Whether it be things of nature (the sciences) or things of man (the humanities), I encourage students to press in so that they might discern the unique testimony that all things make concerning their Maker as they apply their minds and hearts diligently to the study of them with eyes of faith in the light of Scripture.
My passion for classical Christian education in particular lies firstly in its emphasis upon the Great Books, those stories which are a beloved treasury of human experience that fills our lives with awe, wonder, and inspiration. Moreover, I share CCE’s conviction that every student must ‘learn to think’ and receive training in the recognition of valid and invalid inference—this is even more pressing in today’s relativistic age with its relentless assault on Truth. Finally, I love CCE’s emphasis on Rhetoric which ensures students will not merely be passive participants, but active contributors, in the Great Conversation. They will learn to converse creatively, faithfully, and fruitfully, winsomely defending and advancing the cause of Christ in the public square for the glory of God and the good of man.
A Boise native, I found a ‘foreign’ wife while living in ‘exile’ (Utah) and recently returned home with her to the Idaho ‘promised land’ (Thanks be to God!). Kaitlyn and I are thrilled by the new addition of our baby Edelweiss to our family. Both these wonderful women keep me ever on my toes. For fun, I enjoy rock climbing, backpacking, skiing, strumming on my ukulele, playing with our Airedale Allen, and waxing philosophical with unsuspecting victims. In Christian circles, I have no greater joy than teaching Theology and helping others to better grasp the story of Scripture.
Church Affiliation: Table Rock Church

Mr. Bray Wilkins
B. A., Vocal Performance, University of Idaho; Fellow of Vocal Arts, Music Academy of the West; Artist Certificate, Seattle Opera.
I have had the pleasure of singing professionally across the country in both operatic, and musical theater genres. I sang with the Metropolitan Opera chorus, was a three time Fellow at the Music Academy of the West, and a former Seattle Opera Young Artist.
I have been teaching privately over the last 18 years, and have taught a wide range of ages and vocal styles. I have also helped direct and coach drama productions, master classes, and acting classes around the country.
I previously taught at the Chamberlain Hunt Academy in Port Gibson (MS), the Geneva Conservatory of Music in New York City (NY), New Jersey City college in Jersey City (NJ), and most recently was the Choral Director of the Classical School of Wichita in Wichita (KS). I also music directed their school production of Annie! last fall, and had several students place in the state choral competition.
However, I count my greatest accomplishments as being the father of two wonderful children, and somehow convincing my beautiful wife to marry me.
Church Affiliation: The King’s Congregation

Mr. Jason young
B.A., Music, Northern Illinois University
I received my degree in Music studying the cello. I moved to Idaho and started my own private teaching studio.
I am married to Hannah and we have two boys (Athanasius & Bjørn) and a newborn girl (Jubilee). I have enjoyed teaching music and performing in the Treasure Valley.
Church Affiliation: The Well

Mrs. leann schiebout
upper school art
B.A., English, ASU West; ESL Tutor, Glendale Community College; Substitute Teacher, Ambrose, 2014-2015; 4 years of Art in high school; self-taught artist.
We discovered Ambrose through Bill Stutzman when we were looking to enroll our oldest child in kindergarten. We realized that classical education wove Christ into the lives and conversations of its students in a organic, loving way. We have been impressed by how well the classical model dovetails with the development of children and engages the whole person: Heart, soul, mind and strength. I am heartened by what our children are memorizing and able to apply to their walk with the LORD.
I love knowing that each time I meet with my students I can share my love for God and the joy He has given us, enabling us to reflect His glory through Art.
I pray that my students learn to love God better through studying the gift of beauty. He is the Master Artist. I desire that they learn a deeper gratitude to the God who made us and gave us a world full of so much beauty. I want to help them slow down and appreciate the detail that He designed for His glory and our pleasure.
I am a wife to my best friend Mark Schiebout, mother of 3 children whom I love fiercely, friend, artist, and servant to the King.
Church Affiliation: United Reformed Church, Nampa

Mr. Joel Chandler
Upper School Math
B.A., Bible and Theology with a Theology Focus, Multnomah University.
For the past ten years, I have worked in ministry, two in the mission field and eight in a church setting as the Student Ministries Pastor.
Growing up, I was the weird kid that loved math, enjoyed working on those worksheets and problems that often plagued others, and even went back to math later in life when I returned to finish my bachelor’s degree. In high school, that love continued to prosper under some of the best math teachers I had in school, including one who would become a lifelong mentor of mine. His mentorship was truly a discipleship, as he actively pointed me toward Christ and others who would do the same.
As Christ continued to pursue me in love, I found myself responding for the first time in faith, and at 17 years old, committed my life to loving and serving Him. Following high school, I continued to volunteer in various youth ministry roles until I was 21, when I began to work in ministry full time. For two years, I worked as a missionary, culminating in a six month trip to India. Upon returning, two major events occurred within a month – I began to date the woman I would eventually be abundantly blessed to call my wife, and I began to work as the Student Ministries Pastor at Cascade Park Baptist Church in Vancouver, WA. After 8 wonderful, joyful and often tireless years, the Lord began to stir in both my and my wife’s hearts the desire to move on to what was next, which brought us to Ambrose!
While I love math, I also love all things sports related, am an avid comic book fan, and love to cook and eat good food!