K - 6 Student Life

One of the best things about being a K – 12 school are the opportunities for our Kindergarten through 6th grade students to interact and be mentored by our upper school (7th – 12th grade) students. We often see spontaneous games of soccer and touch football out on our field involving a wide variety of grade levels. And within the Grammar School, our 4th graders regularly come help the kindergarteners practice their reading skills. Our upper school students love serving their younger counterparts and it is a joy to see these friendships and mentorships help our younger students navigate their way through the school.
After school, K – 6 students have the opportunity to join Chess Club or Cantavi, a singing group for 4th – 6th grade students. We also offer instrument sectionals to help our 5th & 6th graders develop their musical skills. Many parents take advantage of our Homework Club that operates from 2:15 – 4:00 pm each school day and allows students to complete as much homework as possible (or all of it!) before they head home for the day.

7th - 12th Student Life
“We want to be a community and we want to be involved in each other’s lives.”
– Tom Velasco, 12th Grade Humanities Teacher
The House Program

All students in grades 7-12 are inducted into a house when they enter the upper school. They remain in this house until they graduate. This classical system began in English boarding schools and provides a smaller community for every student and promotes mentorship between older and younger students. Houses enjoy friendly sports competitions and come together outside school hours for community service projects.
Each fall before school begins, our entire upper school heads to the mountains for the 3-day Upper School House Retreat. Here, new house members are inducted, games are played, and goals for the year are set for each House and student. The entire event is planned by student leaders and overseen by a faculty House Governor and Governess. Our upper school faculty is also in attendance.
Beginning in 7th grade, students can choose from volleyball, basketball, cross country, golf, and mountain biking. We believe athletics are an excellent training ground for discipline, sacrifice, teamwork, and leadership. We expect all athletes to exhibit impeccable sportsmanship and Christian character.
Starting with the 2020-21 school year, we will be moving up one level to ISHAA 2A in the Western Idaho Conference.
All Ambrose students must maintain a G.P.A. of 2.0 or above to participate in extra-curricular activities.

Dances & Protocol

One of the most unique things about our school are our dances. Everyone is invited, dress is modest, dances are group-style folk dances, and manners are emphasized so that everyone is comfortable and respected. Parents often tell us they wish their dances would have been like ours when they were in school. Students tell us they didn’t know dances could be so much fun!
Our Protocol is the spring formal dinner and dance for our high school students (9th – 12th grades).
Listen to a podcast about Protocol at
The Arts
Classical Christian education’s emphasis is on teaching students to be wise: to encounter and decipher the truth from error, beauty from perversion, and good from evil. Our desire is to be a part of forming students’ minds and desires to love and search for what is good, true and beautiful throughout life.
Students are trained throughout their time here in art, music, poetry, and drama. Orchestra begins in 5th grade and all students begin vocal training in kindergarten. Formal choir classes begin in 7th and in high school students can audition for our honors choir (Gaudeo). Our popular Christmas program is televised and features all K – 8 students and high school orchestra and choir students. The 5th grade performs a Shakespeare play every year and drama classes begin in junior high.

Mock Trial

One of the top programs in the state, our mock trial team has qualified for state each of the past ten years.
While billed as a civic or government educational program by the Bar Associations of most states, the mock trial program is much more. The program trains students in aspects of oratory, rhetoric, debate, and argument.
Mock Trial is open to 9th through 12th grade students.
College Advising
When it’s time to begin the process of finding and applying for colleges, all high school students have access to our excellent college advisor, Nicole Ingersoll. Mrs. Ingersoll guides students through college entrance exam preparation, helps them with the resume, essay, and application process and much more. All juniors at The Ambrose School take a one semester course called “College Boot Camp” to educate them on the college selection and application process.
And even if your student opts for a different route beyond high school, our advisor will help them find the best way to honor God with their lives after graduation.