Any school’s success is built on three pillars– curriculum, students, and teachers. We have carefully assembled one of the best collections of academic and curricular programs available and our students are held to a high standard. The third pillar– teachers– is our highest priority and our most treasured asset. Our faculty and staff at The Ambrose School share a vision of excellent education that forms a strong commitment to students and to their success.
When hiring faculty at The Ambrose School, we look beyond a teaching credential. Our first priority is to find teachers of strong Christian faith who love learning themselves, and who, in turn, inspire students to learn. We seek teachers capable of teaching in the classical Christian model– either who were educated at the collegiate level in this form, or those who have work experience in classical Christian education. Once we hire a teacher, we train them in the classical Christian model and The Ambrose School system.
How do we recruit teachers of this caliber? The strength of our vision itself has a proven record of attracting and retaining excellent teaching staff. Many of our secondary teachers are hired from outside the area. They frequently cite a desire to be part of a vision such as ours as the primary reason for coming to Boise. Our team is of one mind and purpose in training students to think, believe, and serve using classical Christian education.Â