October 8th beginning at 6:30 pm in the library, David Goodwin and Davies Owens will lead parents through a discussion of how we help our children to engage in God-honoring relationships.

One of the greatest challenges before students today isn’t academic, it is social. We are surrounded by a culture that celebrates dating, flirting and exclusive relationships. Even cliques among peers are considered normal. Yet God intended so much more for our children’s social life.

Douglas Wilson says that the modern dating system is as much a preparation for divorce as it is for marriage. How can we support our children as they seek the best of what God intended in relationships?

Join us Tuesday night as we explore parenting best practices in how we guide and instruct our children to be able to enjoy the best of what God intended for their relationships. All parents, especially those with children in 4th grade and above, are encouraged to attend.

BaseCamp is a series of talks designed to encourage and support you as a parent.